GACCS Dealer Hub

Everything you need to know to make the most of your presence at the show.


Your Presence at the Tradeshow

On this page:
Why Attend | Apply for a Table | Dealer Badges | Sponsorship Opportunities | Safe Rentals | Dealer Help

Looking for the full list of dealers in attendance?

Why Dealers Should Attend

The all-new GACCS tradeshow is designed to be both a new generation of tradeshows and the fourth "major" show (joining the likes of FUN, ANA and CSNS). Here's a sampling of what your coin business can rely on us for:

  • Top-flight production and management. The partnership between Coin World and Shepherd Expos management brings deep brand breadth and a wealth of unparalleled production experience.
  • Top-flight advertising and promotion. With 64 years of publication history, Coin World's reach is unrivaled and represents an awesome opportunity to mobilize collectors and dealers.
  • Maximum Dealer Safety. The beautiful Tampa Convention Center is on an island-setting and safely situated away from an inner-city environment.
  • An ideal market. The demographics of Florida collectors closely align with the demographics needed to facilitate successful dealer exhibitions. Especially with such proximity to affluent coastal inhabitants.
  • A proven track record. Starting a new show can be perilous for first time managers because the “to-do” list ends up being about 10X what they expected. Not so with us. We've done this many times before.
  • Shows for Pro's, run by Pro's. We value your experience and treat you with utmost respect. Every dealer who sets up at this show is a pro, and you deserve to be treated as a pro.
  • Innovation and efficiency. We are the ONLY MAJOR SHOW to: offer tables to accomodate dealers of ALL sizes, enable early departures on Saturday (no questions asked), allow Dealer Day tables at little-to-no extra cost, offer TWO full hours of setup before even Early Birds can enter, offer an opt-in Wholesale Only section, actively solicit YOUR feedback (email us at, provide extensive diverse and meaningful numismatic education, offer an opt-in dealer support vendor section and offer Ambassadorship and Mentoring programs.
  • An economic home run. As our inaugural show, you can expect table rates as low as 40% less for comparably located tables at an equal-quality major show.


Apply for a Dealer Table

Our bourse floor, featuring up to 600 tables, is the must-see destination for visitors to the show.

Dealers are encouraged to apply early, as we are anticipating a sell-out is likely based on the demand we've seen.

To apply, view our Dealer Application Form.



Register for your Dealer Badge

Prior to gaining entry to the show, everyone must register to obtain a badge. You can do so at the show, or skip the line with our online registration. Choose the option that suits you best:

To see and compare all access types, click here.


Stand Out at the Show

Emphasize and highlight your presence at the show with a variety of marketing opportunities created to maximize foot traffic to sponsoring dealers.

Opportunities include: Show Sponsorship and advertisements in our Show Guide and the September issue of Coin World monthly (free copies distributed at the show).

Reach out so we can help you customize the right marketing campaign to maximize your show presence.



Safe Rental for Dealers

Professional Safe Rental services are provided exclusively by our Official Safe Partner:

(407) 293-0057 E-mail:

Procure your safe: Please call for pricing. Then, simply complete the Safe Rental Form and email it.


Please note: To guarantee your safe, payment for your Safe Rental must be received by August 10th, 2024.


Need Help? Get in Touch

The full experience of the Shepherd Expos team is at your disposal. Let's help make your show a home run.

Inquire about anything and everything and we'll get back to you FAST.



Bourse Badge