Terms & Conditions

Great American Coin and Collectibles Show 2024


1. Submitting this Bourse application does not guarantee acceptance by Shepherd Expos Management (hereafter SEMI), as official representative of the Great American Coin and Collectibles Shows (hereafter referred to as GACCS). SEMI reserves the right to review and/or reject any Bourse application. All successful Applicants will be notified. Unsuccessful Applicants will be notified, and a full refund will accompany the notice. Deposits, partial payments, and/or post-dated checks are not accepted as complete applications until full payment is received, deposited, and cleared. Applicants paying by credit card agree to a 3% up-charge to cover processing and handling fees.

2. A single Inline Booth consists of one 8-foot front table, one back table, one electrical outlet, one extension cord, one booth sign, two inside booth chairs, two outside booth chairs, two showcases, one lamp, and one garbage can. A single Corner Booth consists of two 8-foot front tables, one back table, one electrical outlet, one extension cord, one booth sign, three inside booth chairs, four outside booth chairs, four showcases, two lamps, and one garbage can. The number of booth personnel allowed will be listed on the application form.

SEMi, at its sole discretion, will assign your Booth(s) location within the bourse floor, and for the upstairs Annex, within the designated Annex space. Your booth(s) is for your, and your Shared Dealer's, if any, sole use (i.e., the booth cannot be sold, rented, leased, loaned, or otherwise used by or transferred to another). Granting of a particular Booth location at any given show does not establish a right to the same or any other location at future shows. Further, issuing any individual Booth Holder, "Booth Personnel" Pass(s)does not establish a right to receive the same at a future show.

3. Any requests for changes or modifications to this application, including any Booth Personnel credentials, must be made in advance and expressly agreed in writing by SEMi. Any requested changes to be processed before the show must be received by August 1, 2024. Any requests after by August 1, 2024, may incur a nominal processing fee (e.g., $50 per change of a Booth Personnel credential up to one week in advance and $75 at the show). Any changes are at the sole discretion of SemI's approval.

4. No refunds will be made after July 15, 2024. Partial payment deposits made to hold a table for an applicant will not be refunded if the applicant does not complete purchase of the table by July 15, 2024.

5. Only individuals listed on your bourse application or otherwise officially credentialed to your booth, and wearing GACCS issued Booth Personnel Passes for this event shall be permitted behind any Bourse tables. ANY PERSON WORKING BEHIND A BOURSE TABLE MUST BE A FAMILY MEMBER OF THE REGISTERED TABLE HOLDER OR A LEGITIMATE W-2 EMPLOYEE OF THE REGISTERED TABLE HOLDER'S FIRM LISTED ON THE BOOTH SIGNAGE. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Adding collectors or outside dealers to the table holder's list of booth personnel to help them avoid paying Equal Access or Early Access badge fees will be considered cheating and will be grounds for the table holder losing future table privileges. By signing the bourse application, you are agreeing that you have read and fully understand this provision and agree to adhere to it.

6. No Booth Personnel Pass will be issued to any individual suspended, expelled, or otherwise known by SEMI to be denied membership in the American Numismatic Association. Further, SEMI reserves the right to deny any Applicant and/or Share Dealer a booth or Booth Personnel Pass if convicted of any felony. In addition, SEMI reserves the right to deny any individual a Booth Personnel Pass if convicted of any felony.

7. Any individual credentialed at your Booth with a Booth Holder Pass must be a legitimate employee at SEMI's sole determination of Applicant or any Share Dealer for your Booth. An EQA, or EE Pass must be purchased for any other individual credentialed to your Booth. If you have any questions or wish to confirm if any individual qualifies is a legitimate employee, please contact Larry Shepherd at SEMi. Applicant is responsible for the conduct of any individual credentialed for their booth. Only individuals credentialed with a Booth Personnel Pass are permitted to be behind a Booth table. Only individuals credentialed with a Booth Holder Pass for your Booth are permitted to do business in, at, and/or from your Booth.

9. Applicant, any Share Dealer at your Booth, as well as any individual credentialed for your Booth are responsible for obtaining any permits and/or licenses required.  Further, Applicant, any Share Dealer at your Booth, as well as any individual credentialed for your Booth is responsible for conforming to all statutes, ordinances and/or regulations of the U.S. Government, City of Tampa, County of Hillsborough, and State of Florida, sales tax regulations, as well as any Tampa Convention Center rule or policy.

10. Although security will be furnished, Applicant understands, and is responsible for notifying any Share Dealer at your Booth, as well as any individual credentialed  for your Booth, that such security is provided as an accommodation only and does not constitute: a guarantee against, a policy of insurance, or a promise to indemnify in the event of loss by fire, flood, sewer or plumbing backup, seepage, leakage or rupture, impact of falling objects, insect or vermin infestation or damage, collapse, robbery, theft, explosion (including, but not limited to nuclear explosion or contamination), mysterious disappearance, natural disaster, chemical, biological, mold, bacterial, odor infiltration or viral contamination or infection. Applicant acknowledges they are responsible, and shall notify any Share Dealer at your Booth, as well as any individual credentialed for your Booth, to obtain their own insurance coverage, and of the availability of safe rentals and agrees to secure all containers housing or holding valuables, business records or inventory with chains, cables, and/or other recognized security devices. If you wish to have any of your own security staff present at the Tampa Convention Center, you must contact SEMI by at least August 31, 2024.

11. No auction of any kind may be conducted at the Tampa Convention Center any time between September 2, 2024, and September 22, 2024, without SEMI's express, advance written approval. Further, no auction lots may be shown and/or delivered to any bourse table for any auction being conducted within 50 miles of the Tampa Convention Center between September 2, 2024, and September 22, 2024, unless a written waiver has been granted by SEMI.

12. Coin, medal, stamp, card, or collectibles like encapsulation equipment shall not be permitted at or operated in any Bourse floor area. Any grading and encapsulation company interested in grading and encapsulating at this event must contact SEMI to inquire about availability of a separate meeting room(s) and a separate contract for such operations.

13. Booths not claimed by 9 AM on Thursday September 12, 2024, may, at the sole option of SEMI, revert to   reassignment without refund to original Applicant and/or any Booth Personnel. Late arrivals must notify Larry Shepherd by phone by noon on September 11, 2024.

14. Applicant acknowledges, and shall notify their Booth Personnel, that no refund of the bourse fee or any portion thereof shall be due applicant in the event that operation of the convention or any portion thereof is curtailed, reduced, or prevented by curtailment of transportation, epidemic, severe weather, natural disaster, riot, rebellion, civil insurrection, act(s) of war, whether declared or undeclared, whether conducted or threatened by a governmental or non-governmental entity and/or acts of terrorism, whether actual or feared, imposition of martial law, suspension of civil liberties and/or any act or order of any governmental authority, whether civil or military.

15. Bourse table applicants wishing to close their tables, empty their showcases, and depart the show prior to 5 PM on Friday, September 13, 2024, must apply for and agree to be placed on the bourse floor in the section designated Early Departure Section.

16. Certain hung banners, signs, or other modifications to the as-provided Booth may raise security issues that SEMI will require be addressed to remedy this such issue. Applicant agrees to modify any such signage and placement as directed by official show security. Any signage determined to be offensive, in the sole discretion of SEMI, will not be allowed, and must be removed upon request.

17. No Booth Holder Personnel is to exhibit, sell, or offer to sell any illegal coin, stamp, card, other collectible, counterfeit, forgery, and/or unmarked copy. SEMI, at its sole discretion, has the right to require removal of said illegal coin, stamp, card, other collectible, counterfeit, forgery, and/or unmarked copy.

19. Applicant agrees and acknowledges that failure by SEM to enforce any provision of any term and/or condition of this Bourse application shall not be construed to create a waiver and/or modification of any Applicant, any Shared Dealer, and any individual issued a Booth Holder Pass obligations pursuant to this and/or any future Bourse application.

20. Applicant acknowledges and agrees that the maximum liability of SEMI and any or all of its directors, officers, or employees in the aggregate shall not exceed the combined sums paid by Applicant to SEMI under this Bourse Application.

21. Applicant hereby release SEMI, Amos Media, Coin World , the GACCS, and the Tampa Convention Center, all agents and employees thereof in their official and/or individual personal capacities from any liability for loss, theft, damage, and/or destruction through negligence, gross negligence or otherwise, of numismatic or other collectible material and for personal injury and property damage of any kind. This release, however, shall not limit the liability of any individual who may personally be guilty of theft, willful damage, or destruction.

22.  Bourse table holders who purchase their table by August 1, 2024, will be notified of their table number(s) at least 30 days in advance of the opening of the show. While SEMI will attempt to not change a table holder's table location and number, once notified, SEMI retains authority to move table holder's location and change its table number(s) at any time prior to seven days before the show's opening if deemed necessary for the successful operation of the show for any reason.

23. Venue, for any dispute arising out of this Bourse Application and/or participation in this SEMI event shall be in the County of Hillsborough, State of Florida, and subject to the laws of the State of Florida.

24. Applicant agrees to adhere to all times and deadlines listed in the official GACCS schedule of operations.

25.  No table applicant will be allowed to set-up and occupy their assigned table until all fees are paid in full.

26.  Signature on the GACCS Bourse application acknowledges applicant has read and agrees to these terms and conditions.